Nusrat Ghani, MP for Wealden, attended the Remembrance services in Crowborough and Uckfield on Remembrance Sunday (13 November 2022) to pay tributes to the fallen and honour the armed forces.
On Remembrance Sunday, residents across Wealden towns and villages were able to remember all those who lost their lives on active service in all conflict, from the beginning of the First World War up to present day.
Every year, Nusrat attends various remembrance services across Wealden to lay a wreath and honour the service and sacrifice of those who lost their lives defending our freedoms. This year, Nusrat was pleased to attend the Crowborough and Uckfield Remembrance parades alongside Wealden residents, councillors, cadets and local organisations.
Nusrat Ghani said: “Many towns and villages across Wealden have had a long connection to the military and it was moving to see so many people gather at the commemorations in Crowborough and Uckfield this year. Every year, it is an honour to stand with local veterans and those that currently serve our country, and lay a wreath to pay tributes to those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms today."