Nusrat Ghani, MP for Wealden, has visited Piltdown village near Uckfield, to meet with local residents and parish council representatives, who are spearheading the campaign to reduce speed limit through the village to 30mph.
Piltdown residents and parish councillors have shared their concerns regarding the speed limits along the A272 running through the village and the hazard that dangerous driving poses to the local community. The vast majority of the Piltdown stretch is subject to 50mph, before a brief reduction to 40mph occurs through the centre of Piltdown. This is despite the area including many residential properties and concealed entrances, and is in contrast to neighbouring villages also located on the A272, such as Newick, North Chailey and Scanes Hill, which are all subject to 30mph limit.
Concerns have been raised especially about the dangers posed to school children daily using the bus stop opposite the petrol station, which has no footpath or safe crossing places within its close proximity.
Nusrat Ghani said: “I appreciate that road safety is a widespread concern of communities in rural areas such as Wealden. I was pleased to visit Piltdown and meet with local residents to discuss their concerns about the current speeding limits and dangerous driving. I have made representations to National Highways and East Sussex County Council to request details about the safety assessment of the current speed limit and their criteria for putting in place additional traffic calming and safety measures.”